Why is SEO Important in Digital Marketing?
How Does Search Engines Work?
So when a user’s does a google search, they are not searching on the web, they are searching Google’s index of the web. This means that Google has billions of pages stored in his database and provides the best page from the database, which addresses your query. Google looks at more than 200 ranking factors such as how many times does the page contains your keyword, title and meta description of the website, URL of the webpage, does the page include synonyms for the keyword, website structure, backlink quality and many more.
Why Does Your Website Need SEO?
Google is the source of more than 60% of all the search traffic in the world – if you combine this with the pulling power of other search engines like Bing and even Yahoo, this figure goes up to 70%. Another essential online search fact to consider is that if your website is ranking on the #1 position, there is a good 40% chance that the user will click on your website to solve its query. For example, if 100 users search for a specific query, there is a strong case that 40 users would land on your website if you are ranking on the #1 position. Imagine 40 users with an investment of almost zero rupees. This is why SEO is essential for your website/business. Although SEO takes time and effort, it is a gift that keeps on giving. Here are a few of the most significant benefits of SEO.
- SEO is the largest source of the site of traffic
- SEO helps in higher ROI (Return On Investment) and conversions
- SEO is a long term game. i.e. your investment on your website’s SEO would lead to better results in future
- SEO builds brand credibility and trust
- SEO improves your website’s user experience (UX)
- No need to spend on paid Ads
Types of SEO in Digital Marketing:
1. White-Hat SEO:
The best SEO method or type in digital marketing is “White-Hat SEO“. It refers to all the legal optimization techniques and straightforward SEO method abides by Google’s search engine policy and guidelines. Bloggers, who use white hat SEO for their blog or website, need more patience to see good results.
White hat SEOs are straightforward, sustainable and will create genuine and long goodwill around your brand and products. Besides, you do not need to worry about getting banned by the search engines or search results if there are any new Google algorithm changes happen.
The White-Hat SEO type is always safe, low-risk and you’ll get high rewards if you do it in the right direction. The examples of White hat SEO techniques are writing quality, useful, original and relevant content after extensive keyword research process. You use SEMrush keyword research tool to find the best keywords for your blog post. Writing quality content helps you to earn high authority sites links to your website.
2. Black-Hat SEO:
Black-hat SEO is the exact opposite of white-hat SEO in that it finds and takes advantage of any loopholes or weaknesses in Google’s search algorithm to rank better on its SERPs. It does not stick to the search engine’s list of SEO dos and don’ts and resorts to spammy or paid link building methods, keyword stuffing, showing different content to bots/crawlers and humans (called cloaking), etc. to get ahead. It goes without sayingThat black hat SEO can get your site blacklisted or its rankings to drop so it is best avoided. Besides, these high-risk SEO techniques give you only short-lived results.
3. Grey-Hat SEO:
Grey-hat SEO tactics are often used by SEO agencies due to pressure to see quick results from a client and fall in between white and black hat SEO in terms of approach. Although Google’s webmaster guidelines do not explicitly say that such methods are prohibited, they are still frowned upon and can lead to undesired search outcomes. Examples of this type of SEO include clickbait content that is sensational yet mediocre and of no value to the user, excessive and suspicious link exchange between sites, paid reviews, etc. Again, it is best to stay far away from such underhanded SEO tactics.
4. Negative SEO:
Among the different types of SEO, this is by far the most detestable and unethical. Negative SEO is done with the intention of making your competitor’s search rankings suffer so that you yourself can take their place or benefit from it. Negative SEO methods include hacking into someone’s site and building a suspiciously high number of low-quality links to it, posting negative feedback or reviews about them in various online forums, etc. Needless to say, negative SEO can even lead to legal ordeals if the one practicing it is caught
5. On-Page SEO:
On-page SEO mostly involves your content, but the truth is that it also refers to your meta titles, meta descriptions, the presence of your specific keyword in the page or post title and URL, as well as in the first paragraph and at least one of your headings.
As you can expect, when people start creating content for their blogs or websites, they rarely consider how important on-page SEO can be and how much of a difference it can make. Optimizing your older pages can take a lot of time and effort, so we’d advise you to create a checklist and stick to it each time you want to create a new article.
Your internal linking process can also refer to on-page SEO, so you should make sure that your links point out to the same category your article is in so that Google’s crawlers don’t get confused.
6. Technical SEO:
Technica SEO focuses on backend website and server optimizations that help your site rank better in search engines. It often focuses on helping search engines crawl and understand your website, but it also improves user experience.
Technical SEO is another type of SEO that every website needs. It ensures that search engines index your site and helps you make the most of your on-page and off-page SEO.
Some examples of technical SEO improvements include:
- Speeding up your site: Google uses page speed as a ranking factor, and a faster page provides a better user experience. Improving your page speed may include techniques such as cleaning up your code, compressing your images, and using browser caching.
- Updating your robots txt file: Your text file tells search engine crawlers which parts of your site not to crawl and index. Making sure your robots.txt file is blocking the right pages is essential.
- Creating an XML sitemap: An XML sitemap helps search engines crawl your site more quickly and create accurate indexes of your site.
- Dealing with duplicate content: Havingduplicate content your site can hurt your rankings. A canonical tag (rel=canonical) tells Google which version of a page is the original, and a 301 redirect lets you direct traffic from one URL to another.
- Using responsive design:
- Response ensures that your site displays correctly on mobile devices by enabling it to adjust to various devices.
7. Off-Page SEO:
Off-page SEO mostly refers to whatever you can do outside your website or blog, and that can help you rank better. This usually involves getting backlinks from authoritative websites and others in your specific niche.
Social media marketing can be another technique that you can use to your advantage when improving your off-page SEO, especially since social signals are so important nowadays.
You’ll also have to build long-lasting relationships with influencers, bloggers, or journalists, leave comments on other sites, do some guest blogging, and pretty much anything that can create the image of an expert in your field.
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